
MWCA, the Mosby Woods Community Association, supports and connects our community. We encourage you to join! Membership requires paying an annual $15 fee and completing and returning this form. Thank you for funding our work, engaging with your neighbors, and making our community the best it can be.

Events and Services

MWCA hosts events that connect and build our community: Easter egg hunt, ice cream social, Halloween parade, turkey trot, holiday decorating contests, and yard sales

MWCA provides other benefits including a Little Free Library and repainting of street names on curbs. We are exploring increasing our neighborhood watch program.


Our board works on issues affecting us, engaging with the city council, fire, and police. MWCA makes charitable contributions to organizations including the Fairfax Independence Day Celebration Committee and Fairfax High School Alcohol and Drug Free Graduation events.


We strive to keep our community informed and able to connect, providing entrance sign updates, the monthly Tattler newsletter, this website, and email alerts. Another big benefit of joining the association is adding yourself to (and receiving a copy of) our neighborhood directory.


MWCA is an all-volunteer effort. When completing your membership form, please share your interests and talents. Additionally, our monthly board meetings, currently hosted on zoom, are open to all members. Feel free to reach out to connect.